Cheese Kranskys
Cheese Kransky A pork and venison sausage manuka smoked with mainland cheese. The kids will love these.
All sausages available by the kg or 3 packs.
A complete variety of cooked sausages are produced ready for the table and for a welcome addition to antipasto dishes. MSG & gluten free. Black puddings are made in a unique horseshoe shape as well as in a chubb form, each one a work of art. Blackball Salami also make a tasty white pudding made with pork and leeks.
Cabanas Great with cheese and crackers. A mild cooked sausage.
Cooked Chorizo Bronze medal in Great NZ Sausage competition 2009. Spicy and very versatile, great on pizza or in pasta.
Biersticks Contains dark ale. A lovely bierstick to have with nibbles.
Black Pudding A traditional English recipe, “The Best.” Available in chubb or ring.
White Pudding A twist on traditional black pudding, white pudding is made with pork and leeks. Available in ring. Silver Medal in Saus Competition 2019.
Haggis Traditional haggis. Available by the kg. Rings and natural skins.